Brocade VDX switch : Unable to ping to gateway (mgmt-vrf)

VDX 6740, running NOS 5.0.0, I am trying to get firmware upgrade… I see in “Upgrade Guide”:

You must configure the gateway and default route that is pointing to the management interface within the mgmt-vrf and address-family unicast context.


Here is my configuration on management interface:


interface Management 1/0
no tcp burstrate
ip icmp echo-reply
no ip address dhcp
ip address
ipv6 icmpv6 echo-reply
no ipv6 address autoconfig
no ipv6 address dhcp
vrf forwarding mgmt-vrf

Config for the VRF


rbridge-id 1
vrf mgmt-vrf
address-family ipv4 unicast
ip route


I can ping to the address that was assigned to the interface:

VDX6740# ping vrf mgmt-vrf
Type Control-c to abort
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.169 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.124 ms



But i cannot ping to the Gateway address


This is the show interface management, it looks fine?

VDX6740# show interface Management
interface Management 1/0
ip address “static”
ip gateway-address
ipv6 ipv6-address [ ]
ipv6 ipv6-gateways [ ]
line-speed configured Auto

So now I can’t reach to my FTP server via gateway, any suggestion or troubleshoot tips?


Starting in version 5.0, enforced separation of the management and data plane was instituted. As a default ping will try to source from the default-vrf. Appending the vrf mgmt.-vrf is needed to source the pings in the management plane.